Raymond Sol
Tai Chi Instructor
Zoom Private Tai Chi Sessions
National and International Tai Chi Classes
A Moving Relaxing Experience
Welcome to Zoom Tai Chi
A moving and relaxing exercise experience
Using Zoom video conferencing.
You must have the Zoom program on your laptop
Registration:  rsdahawk@gmail.com

2025 Monthly Fee is $70, for current students.

Classes are available to anyone living in the United States, Mexico, Canada, or Cruising on an Ocean Liner
Wi-Fi internet availability required.
NEW Beginner's Classes
Minimum 5 Students Required

  "Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi" - 64 Form
*  TBD  *   
The Recommended Class for people who already know a Tai Chi Form

"Simplified 25" 
  *  TBD  *
The Recommended Beginner's Class

And for people who work during the week
"Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi" - 64 Form
NEW Class sessions are on Sat @ 11am
Per Session Fee is $15, Paid Monthly


NEW ZOOM Lecture Series:
Each Lecture is approximately 30 min.

"Healthy Aging Series"  
"All Lectures begin at 1pm
A $10 donation or more is Appreciated

What I am Doing
Overview Date: TBD
Telomeres Date: TBD
Exercise Date: TBD 
Relaxation Date: TBD
Sleep  Date: TBD
Nutrition  Date: TBD
Social Interactions Date: TBD
Sunlight Date: TBD
Why Can't We Forever Date: TBD


All Exercise Class Registrations:

New Student Options

Group Class:  "Introduction to Tai Chi"
Contact Ray for dates.
There are two sessions
Each session is 45 to 50 minutes
Total Cost is $50 for this class.

For people who are new to tai chi, a 2 session "Introduction" Class is available. This Introduction Class will provide you with basic stretching exercises for muscles and tendons.  It will also include some basic balancing exercises.  

Simplified 25 Form
Tai Chi Walking
Balance and Stability
Concentration and Focus
? Is anyone interested in taking this Class ?
One session Cost is $20
Let me know
"Healthy Aging:  What I am doing to stay healthy"
Zoom Lectures
When Scheduled the Zoom Lecture is on the
1st Day of each Month, at 1pm
Note: Some dates and times may change
Always check with Ray, the tai chi guy

This is a lecture series about the healthy aging life styles I am doing to stay healthy.  I am not a medical professional or scientist.  This is just my journey.  These are just my 'facts".  Will they work for you?  I truly hope that you will find good information that help you live a healthy life.  The lecture series is designed to continue evolving as my research continues into healthy aging lifestyles.  The lectures will normally be on the first day of each month, even if it's on a Sunday or Saturday.  See above for dates and what lectures will be presented.  A donation of $20 is appreciated. 


New Tai Chi 
Exercise Options 
Shown below
Lotus Blossom Fan
Dragon Sword
Tiger Staff
Whispering Spear