Parkinson's Disease Classes.
People with Parkinson's wishing to have a private session must at least be mobile and walking, and not dependent on a walker or wheelchair. This is a Tai Chi exercise class that has been created for people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I am not a medical doctor or specialized nursing person. Your medical condition must be diagnosed by a licensed medical professional. Nothing in these classes are meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. These sessions are done at each person's location.
The goals of these classes are to begin learning/using Tai Chi exercises early on in order to help keep a "window of normal activity" open, if possible. Each person's situation is different and the level of exercise will vary. The goal is to maintain a good quality of life, for as long as possible.
Using the Hoehn & Yahr Scale, people with ratings of 1, 2, & 3, I will work with for these individual classes. However, people with ratings of 4 & 5, will be considered, with modifications. Modifications are primarily made to the balance activities, which will be minimal or dropped due to the confinement in a wheelchair, or the additional assistance required when moving.
Deep breathing exercises will also be introduced to help relax and bring more oxygen to the muscles.
Depending upon each person's abilities, either a half hour session for $45 or an hour session for $90 can be scheduled. A minimum of two sessions per week are required. After which people will be evaluated regarding the benefits they will receive from participating in this special Tai Chi exercise program.
On going sessions are highly recommended to help achieve the benefits of Tai Chi. Ideally, 2 to 3 sessions per week are suggested, with 2 sessions normal.
Parkinson's Care Giver Health Classes.
The health and well being of care givers is also very important. So a Tai Chi program is available to help care givers learn a moving relaxation exercise form. This is an exercise class designed to relieve tension and stress. Emphasis is on relaxation. It is designed to help care givers have a break and to look after their own health and well being. These classes are done at either each person's location, or the Tai Chi Body Balance LLC Apt/Art studio. Individual private classes are $30 for 30 minutes, and $60 for 60 minutes.