It was a dark and stormy day
. . .
Soaring high above the
bloody battlefield of Magh Tuireadh was Tuan, the Great Eagle of Time. Tuan had seen days like this before and knew
he would see many more.
“How many more will there be
DANU?” He whispered on the wind.
“There will be many more,
Tuan, and you must remember all of them.”
DANU whispered back.
“But why?” Tuan asked.
“Because someone needs to
tell the story about this green and fertile land, and the brave people who came
here to live and prosper.” DANU
“Tell me now Tuan, What do
you remember before we arrived and what happened here today?“ DANU continued.
As he glided away from the
plains of Magh Tuireadh and looked back down, Tuan said. “Many things happened
DANU, so I will begin with Morrigan . .
After silently looking up at
the dark sky, Morrigan, the Great Witch of War for the Tuatha De Dannan, then
stepped forward and joined her sister Nemain, the Great Witch of
Knowledge. Both stood before DANU, the
“You have fought well, my
daughters. “ Said DANU.
DANU had created the Tuatha
De Dannan race of Gods and warriors in a distant land, far, far away. At a time before time, as time is known
For the Tuatha De Dannan,
all time floats freely on the wind.
Now looking beyond Morrigan
and Nemain, DANU looked out across the plains of Magh Tuireadh, out to the
warriors of the Tuatha De Dannan, “You have all fought well my children. You defeated the Fir Bolg in the First Great
War, and now the Fomorii in this, the Second Great War. The green and fertile land is now your home.”
As a great roar came forth
from all the warriors, the sun broke through the dark stormy clouds, and a
beautiful rainbow appeared. The rainbow’s
colors were even more vivid against the dark sky and dark gray clouds. A great sign to all the warriors, and again
they cheered.
High in the sky a Great
Eagle circled with the sun light touching its wings. As it soared higher and higher into the sky,
DANU whispered “Tuan, remember!” softly into the breeze. Then the Great Eagle of Time was gone as the
dark stormy clouds closed in and shut out the sun and rainbow.
A cool wind from the West
started to blow across the green and fertile land. Its cold damp breath was a warning to
everyone that rain was coming to wash the land clean of warrior blood.
As Morrigan wrapped herself
warmer, her thoughts drifted back to the time the Tuatha De Dannan had left
their first homeland along the great Danube River, and traveled West in their
strong longboats. To any mortal, the
trip took forever. To the Gods and
warriors of the Tuatha De Dannan, it took one day and one night to reach the
green and fertile land.
Back then, Macha the Witch
of Love, who was Morrigan’s other sister, was in love with Nuada, King of the
Tuatha De Dannan.
Macha was the most beautiful
of the three sisters. She was also the
best warrior of the three sisters. Their
love affair was a great example of how Tuatha De Dannan men and women fought
side by side as warriors. Their love
affair had produced a son named Conann.
The young Conann had grown up and become a great warrior like his
Before leaving their
homeland, DANU had said the Western lands would hold great promise, but also
great sorrow. However, in the end, it
would be worth while.
Morrigan also remembered how
she and her two sisters all blessed the green and fertile land when they
arrived. Moreover, all the Druids, men
and women alike, repeated their words of praise to DANU.
Morrigan, Nemain, and Macha,
were also known as the three Badb.
The three Badb, were all
great witches who could change themselves from beautiful women, into great
Ravens. In addition, the three sisters
could also turn themselves into horrible monsters, to help the Tuatha De Dannan
fight their enemies.
Morrigan, with DANU’s
guiding hand, had created Sorcery. Both
Nemain and Macha had contributed to its further development as powerful forces.
Morrigan also remembered how
when they first arrived, Nuada had tried to reason with all the tribes of the
Fir Bolg. Nuada had said the Tuatha De
Dannan people only needed a small area in which to live. “We will be as if we never were.” Nuada had said.
Nevertheless, for the Fir
Bolg, this was their homeland, once abandoned and lost, and then reclaimed
these many years.
“Tell me, Tuan.” DANU whispered on the wind.
Tuan, the Great Eagle of
Time, had also known their story and the stories of many others.
“Start from the beginning,
Tuan.” DANU said as the cold wind blew
across the land.
Back before time, Noah’s
granddaughter Cessair and her people had arrived before the Great Flood. Then
when the Great Flood had killed Cessair and her people, the land was empty of
people for a long time.
Then Partholon and his
people arrived to settle in the green and fertile land. The Tribes of Partholon were made up of
strong men and women, with gentle ways.
After many years, a terrible plague killed many of them and drove them
from the land. The weakened Tribes of
Partholon had fled the green and fertile land and sailed to Thrace, in the
During this time, the green
and fertile land was empty until the Fomorii landed in the north. A short time later, the Nemedians arrived and
tried to call the land their own. Later
these two groups fought to control the green and fertile land.
Unfortunately, the battles
were so terrible that both groups were completely devastated and weakened. Ultimately, they both fled the land.
“But that is a story to be
told later.” Tuan whispered.
Back however, when the weakened
Tribes of Partholon arrived in Thrace, the Thracians enslaved them.
Over time, they regained
their numbers and fought for their freedom.
Once freed, the descendants of the Tribes of Partholon renamed
themselves; the Fir Bolg, the Fir Domnan, and the Fir Gallion, and sailed West
in their longboats.
When the three Tribes
returned to the land of their ancestors, they reclaimed the empty green and
fertile land as their own. At this time,
they all agreed to be known as the Fir Bolg.
However, that was back then,
at another time, another story . . .
Now, in this time, and as
the damp breeze from the west picked up, Morrigan’s mind again drifted back to
when the Tuatha De Dannan had first arrived on the western shores of the green
and fertile land.
Morrigan knew that with their
great skills, the Tuatha De Dannan only needed a small area to settle in. Nuada, their King, had met with Eochaidh Mac
Erc the Proud, and King of the Fir Bolg to negotiate an agreement. Nuada had also assured Eochaidh Mac Erc, that
all the wild animals hunted and killed by Tuatha De Dannan warriors, would be
replaced as if they had never died.
For the Tuatha De Dannan,
the “OtherWorld” was their real land, and they only wanted the green and
fertile land as a place to visit, hunt, and occasionally live. Unfortunately, the Fir Bolg never fully
understood this, and only saw the Tuatha De Dannan as a threat.
Eochaidh Mac Erc then sent
Sreng the Strong, their greatest warrior, to assess the situation and the
fighting skills of the Tuatha De Dannan.
Nuada sent Bres, the Beautiful, who was half De Dannan and half Fomorii
(Elatha, King of the Fomorii, was his father) to meet Sreng.
Both great warriors met at
the high windswept cliffs on the western coast of the green and fertile
land. Later in time, this place would be
called the Cliffs of Moher. Both
warriors had discussed the sharing of the green and fertile land. However, as the early morning moved into the
late morning, the discussions led nowhere.
Next, both men assessed each
other’s weapons. Each warrior carried a
massive shield, both light and heavy war spears, a huge war axe, and a mighty
war sword. Each warrior was impressed
with the other’s weapons.
“Fighting is the only way to
see whose weapons are better.” Sreng
“I agree.” Said Bres.
Then both warriors armed
themselves and prepared for battle . . . . . .
...."Now that's the just the beginning of my story. I am just a story teller, retelling my dreams . . ."