Classes Suspended
Tai Chi Body Balance LLC at
Paradise Valley Community College
Black Mountain Campus(BMC)
A Tai Chi / Body Balance program had begun at Paradise Valley Community College’s Black Mountain Campus (PVCC/BMC), in North Scottsdale, Arizona. See Google Map for the Campus location.
Classes have been suspended because of enrollment issues.
The PVCC/BMC has partnered with the Desert Foothills Family YMCA and the Foothills Community Foundation - Holland Community Center, located on 60th Street, south of Carefree Highway.
These Tai Chi classes are the first effort to unite both PVCC/BMC and the Desert Foothills Family YMCA, in a unique joint cooperation program.
The three separate one hour classes will each emphasize exercise, body balance, and relaxation through the progressive learning of the 64 gentle movements of the Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi style, as taught by Adjunct Professor, Raymond Sol, MS Ed. This style has been called the "Imperial Style" because it was primarily taught to the Imperial Families in China.
The class goals are improving balance and stability, strength and flexibility, and relaxation and stress relief, skills and knowledge.
The College Courses are set up into Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced classes.
The Spring and Fall semesters will feature three separate classes.
The Beginners Class is where students will learn the first 20 movements, as taught by Raymond Sol.
The Intermediate Class is where the students will learn the movements 21 to 64, as taught by Raymond Sol.
The Advanced Class is where students will learn Qigong breathing techinques associated with all 64 movements. In addition, Advanced students will be introduced to the innovative "1,3,5 Tai Chi" Program where students will learn different tai chi exercises using the Fan, Sword, and Staff, as taught by Raymond Sol.
Also new to the Advanced class will the Simplified 25 Form created by professor Sol, and based on the Universal 24 Form.
The prerequisite for the Intermediate Class is the Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi Beginners Class, as taught by Adjunct Professor, Raymond Sol, MS Ed.
The prerequisite for the Advanced Class is the Guang Ping Yang Intermediate Class, as taught by Adjunct Professor, Raymond Sol, MS Ed.
These classes are part of the PVCC’s Health and Exercise Science (HES) Department. The Course numbers are listed in the right side column, along with dates and times. Make sure you ask for Adjunct Professor, Raymond Sol, MS Ed. People interested in registering for these classes should contact PVCC/BMC at,
or call 602-493-2600.
Each class will begin with warm up exercises, followed by Qigong deep breathing movements, and a simple body centering activity, also taught to chiropractors. Students will then be instructed on the various tai chi movements of the gently flowing Guang Ping Yang Tai Chi style. Ample time will be provided to allow the students to practice the new movements and how to integrate all the tai chi movements together.
The Tai Chi movements will help students stretch and strengthen their muscles. The Qigong deep breathing exercises will help students get fresh oxygen into their bodies and help to remove toxins. These gentle movements promote relaxation and lower stress levels. Recent studies have shown many people, at all age levels, will experience healthier lives, when playing tai chi.
Once again, all Tai Chi classes will emphasize exercise, body balance, and relaxation, as taught by Adjunct Professor, Raymond Sol, MS Ed.
Also, another new Tai Chi program is considered at PVCC/BMC. A series of four Tai Chi Hikes will be offered during each semester. These hikes will take place in the McDowell Sonoran Conservancy's excellent trails in Scottsdale.
Each class will start with tai chi warm-up exercises. Then midway through the hike the class will be shown tai chi balancing exercises. Finally, at the end students will be shown qigong deep breathing exercises to help cleanse and balance the inner body.
Students are required to be in physical condition to finish a 5 mile hike and keep up with the group. In addition, students are required to bring proper hiking shoes and clothes, their own water and snacks, a personal first aid kit, and sun block. Hiking poles are optional, but recommended. Checking with your personal doctor regarding your physical condition to participate in these hikes is highly recommended.
This is not a "walk-in-the-park" exercise program. The hike will be on desert trails over rugged terrain that are considered "moderate". The average speed will about 2 to 2 1/2 miles per hour, with frequent stops to identify desert plants. The hike will be approximately 4 hours long.
Exercise and Safety are the primary goals and every effort will be made to keep everyone safe. Students are still responsible for their own safety and are discouraged to not take risks that will endanger themselves and other students. A wavier form will be signed by all hike participants.